The Left’s exhausting and obscene obsession with comparing conservatives to Nazis reached inexcusable lows this week after Donald Trump and his presidential campaign refused to accept the media’s projection of a Biden win. Speaking with CNN’s Chris Cuomo, Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-SC) said that “I’m beginning to see what happened in Germany back in the 1930s,” to which the “objective” Cuomo’s only reaction was an expressive blink.
Unhinged: Democrat Rep. Jim Clyburn compares President Trump to Hitler.
This is yet another reminder that Joe Biden and the Democrat Party’s calls for unity and are totally bogus.
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) November 11, 2020
Such hyperbole falls apart under even the slightest level of historical scrutiny when we consider that Hitler liquidated all political opponents after being appointed as Chancellor of Germany by President Hindenburg in 1933. After Hindenburg’s death in 1934, Hitler combined the position of president and chancellor, with the next presidential election not occurring until 1949 in what became West Germany. So, just like Trump…
While such comparisons are shocking enough, CNN’s Christiane Amanpour managed to discover an additional layer of depravity beneath Clyburn’s now-unsurprising absurdity, saying “This week 82 years ago, Kristallnacht happened. It was the Nazis’ warning shot across the bow of our human civilization that led to genocide against a whole identity and, in that tower of burning books, it led to an attack on fact, knowledge, history and truth. After four years of a modern-day assault on those same values by Donald Trump, the Biden-Harris team pledges a return to normal.”
CNN compares Trump to Nazis purging Jews
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) November 13, 2020
Unfortunately, the Left compares Trump to Hitler and conservatives to Nazis so often that it has (whether intentionally or otherwise) lost its sting. However, 82 years after the Night of Broken Glass, it’s crucial that we push back against this disgusting and unforgivable act of historical ignorance which aims to prostitute the memories of the millions of lives destroyed by Nazi Germany in pursuit of the Democratic Party agenda.
Kristallnacht was a pogrom — a form of violent and bloody riot which has targeted Jews in Europe for centuries — which was carried out by the paramilitary wing of the Nazi Party across Germany on the evening of November 9th 1938. The name “Kristallnacht” literally means “Crystal Night,” referring to the broken glass of the countless Jewish businesses, buildings, and synagogues which were attacked.
Hundreds of synagogues were destroyed, and tens of thousands of Jewish men were arrested and placed in concentration camps. Historians describe this terrible event as the prelude to the Holocaust, which included the murder of six million Jews during the execution of the Nazi’s “Final Solution” to the “Jewish problem.”
To even consider using Kristallnacht in the same sentence as Donald Trump, let alone in an attempt to compare Trump to the Nazi Party, is to stand on the ashes of European Jewry. Hitler and the Nazi Party openly acted upon their expressed desire to eradicate the Jewish people. Given that the Trump administration has yet to discriminate against Jews in any manner, when Amanpour said “after four years of a modern-day assault on those same values,” what exactly does she mean?
Donald Trump and the Republican Party do not have an official paramilitary wing, and any relevant policies during Trump’s first term have been overwhelmingly pro-Jewish and pro-Israel. When it comes to the targeting of Jewish businesses, homes, or places of worship, there are certainly anti-Semites on the radical wings of both sides, but the mainstream implicit endorsement of such actions are unique to one side of the political spectrum, and it’s not the political Right.
After all, it was not a Republican who used the same rhetoric of “hypnosis” and “wealth” when condemning the “evil doings” of the Jewish state. It was not a Republican who supported the boycott of Jewish businesses. It was not a Republican who endorsed a one-state solution which would result in the expulsion or mass murder of millions of Israeli Jews.
So, we must conclude that Amanpour is using one of the darkest moments in Jewish history as a proxy to describe a supposed attack on some unknown set of “values” which Biden and Harris will somehow defend and prevent. For her, the suffering of Jews is a disposable weapon which can be wielded in pursuit of Leftism and the Democratic Party.
It doesn’t matter that it is the mainstream Left who are burning books. It doesn’t matter that it is the mainstream Left who wish to actively enable nations who have called for the destruction of the Jewish State. And it doesn’t matter that it is the mainstream Left who are using the very same language which fueled Kristallnacht and the Holocaust.
Ian Haworth is host of The Ian Haworth Show and The Truth in 60 Seconds. Follow him on Twitter at @ighaworth.
The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

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