Yesterday the House Oversight Committee gathered for a very important hearing. Mediaite reports on the purpose of the hearing:
The committee met to discuss a resolution to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress for refusing to comply with a congressional subpoena. That subpoena demanded he turn over the recorded deposition of President Joe Biden as questioned by former Special Counsel Robert Hur. Hur investigated Biden’s retention of classified documents from his time as a senator and vice president. Ultimately, the special counsel declined to prosecute Biden, stating that a jury would likely view him “as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.
As you probably recall, Joe Biden was judged by the special counsel to be mentally unfit to stand trial for his mishandling of classified documents. The poor old man was just confused, Robert Hur determined. There may be some merit to this excuse, if not for the fact that Joe Biden is also, you may have noticed, the President of the United States. If he is not mentally competent enough to stand trial, how is he mentally competent to sit in the Oval Office?
That’s a very good question. Another question is this: just how embarrassing and troubling was Joe Biden’s performance in that deposition that it led to this conclusion? And as a way of getting to the bottom of that, congress has attempted to obtain the audio recording of Biden’s deposition. But the Biden Administration is refusing to comply with the subpoena on the grounds that they don’t want Biden to look bad. That’s not the reason they’re giving but it is the actual reason, as we all know. And this is why the House Oversight Committee was meeting last night. It’s a very important subject. One that requires a seriousness of mind and purpose.
WATCH: The Matt Walsh Show
Unfortunately, however, in the current year, Congress happens to include some of the dumbest human beings who have ever been born on planet Earth. Voters in this country have scoured the nation, from sea to shining sea, looking for the most obnoxious dimwits they can find, and then they have elected those people, and put them into positions of power. Of course, we have been electing clowns to Congress for many years but we have now reached critical clown mass. As philosophers and scientists have long warned, when you reach critical clown mass, total dysfunction follows. And that’s what we saw at this hearing on Thursday night.
It all began with Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, who made a little dig at Democrat Representative Jasmine Crockett.
Marjorie Taylor Greene to Jasmine Crockett.
"I don’t think you know what we’re here for. I think your fake eyelashes are messing up your reading."
🤣🤣🤣— 3sidedstory 🇺🇲 (@3sidedstory) May 17, 2024
That was the spark — Marjorie Taylor Greene makes fun of Crockett’s fake eyelashes.
Now, you know I am not exactly a sensitive soul when it comes to this kind of thing, or any kind of thing. I have been known to throw out insults myself on very rare occasion. And it’s true that Crockett does seem to have fake eyelashes. But come on. Is a congressional hearing really a place for catty little insults like this? How does a comment about another representative’s eyelashes help us obtain the recordings of Joe Biden’s deposition, which is supposed to be the purpose of the hearing? It does not help us. Instead, it takes things wildly off course. And that’s exactly what happened. Watch:
Anyway. We’re $35 trillion in debt. Heading into World War 3. Being invaded at the southern border.
Let’s check in on congress:
— Oilfield Rando (@Oilfield_Rando) May 17, 2024
It might be hard to discern anything that is being said over noises that sound like feral cats fighting in a back alley. So please allow me to provide a brief but fully accurate and verbatim transcript of Jasmine Crockett’s remarks. She said, and I quote:
“Ya’ll wanna play games with me. Don’t tell me to calm down. Y’all talk noise and then you can’t take it. Cuz if I come and talk s*** about her, ya’ll gon’ have a problem.”
That is an actual statement made by an elected member of the United States Congress during a House Oversight Committee hearing. I think we can safely say that it is the first time in American history that any member of Congress, operating in an official capacity, has ever used the phrase “Ya’ll talk noise.” It’s also, I’m guessing, the first time that the phrase “talk s***” and “ya’ll wanna play games” have ever been uttered during a congressional hearing. We are making history here, in all of the wrong ways.
And that was not the only history making moment. Listen to this exchange, in the same hearing, between Marjorie Taylor Greene and AOC:
Again, the transcript: “Oh girl. Baby girl. Don’t even play.”
There is another statement that, we can assume with some measure of certainty, has never been stated on the record at any congressional hearing. It is another historic first. We are witnessing history in the making.
If you read just the transcript of these exchanges without any context, you would assume this was, perhaps, an argument between groups of people at a Waffle House. Or maybe it’s a feud that broke out in the parking lot of a Bojangles fast food restaurant at 2:00 a.m. If you just arrived here in a time machine from 30 years ago, or any time prior, you simply would not believe that this was an exchange between members of Congress. If you were informed of that fact, you would immediately get back in your time machine and go back to your own time to warn the world of the impending collapse of our collective IQ. If for some reason you couldn’t go back in your time machine, you would probably elect to throw yourself into the sea, rather than stay here and live through this.
We should note that the Democrats are not the only ones humiliating themselves in this exchange. Marjorie Taylor Greene is no better. Or if she is better, only slightly so.
And this dispute between Greene and AOC continued, as AOC demanded an apology for the random insults Greene kept throwing onto the pile:
“Why don’t you debate me?” I very much hope she doesn’t. I think we’ve already seen what a “debate” between AOC and Marjorie Taylor Greene would consist of. Here’s what the debate would be:
“You’re stupid!”
“No I’m not. You are!”
“And you’re ugly!
“No you are!”
“No, you!”
And so on, for seven and a half hours. This cat fight felt like it went on that long during the hearing, as the men sat there bewildered and stuttering, trying meekly and ineffectually to get the hearing back on track. It was a microcosm of American culture in many ways — and all the worst ways.
By contrast, back in the year 1858, there were a series of presidential debates between Abraham Lincoln and Senator Stephen A. Douglas. These were highly contentious and emotionally-charged, and often involved bitter personal attacks. After all, this was only three years before the country would erupt into a brutal civil war that would kill 700,000 people on both sides. And yet these men expressed their disdain for one another in eloquent and intelligent ways. So eloquent and intelligent that we can’t even imagine politicians in the modern age speaking this way.
Here is just one very brief example, pulled at random. In the first debate, Douglas spoke first. Lincoln, when it was his turn, felt that Douglas had lied about him and misrepresented his record. Here was his way of accusing Douglas of dishonesty. One sentence will be enough to make the contrast clear. He said:
My fellow citizens, when a man hears himself somewhat misrepresented, it provokes him-at least, I find it so with myself; but when misrepresentation becomes very gross and palpable, it is more apt to amuse him.
Now compare that to how that same sentiment would be expressed by politicians today. Instead, it would be something like this:
Oh baby girl, don’t play with me. You best stop talkin’ that noise, wit your lyin’ a**.
The intelligence of our leaders hasn’t just declined, it has plummeted like a meteor out of the sky and formed a crater in the ground that goes five miles deep into the Earth. But it doesn’t have to be this way. We know that, because it never was this way until now. There was a time when our nation was led by men — and it used to be mostly men, let’s face it — who were articulate, intelligent, dignified, composed, and most importantly, boring. I’m not saying that they were always good at their jobs or always made wise decisions. That certainly wasn’t the case. But I’m simply trying to emphasize the fact that it is highly unusual, from the perspective of history, to have a congress with an average IQ of 85. Then again, when the average IQ of the country collapses, we would expect the country’s representatives to follow suit.
My only hope is that voters get tired of this. We don’t need to be entertained by politicians. They are not there to amuse us. They are not there to go viral. These are not social media influencers. We should have serious people leading us.
We need more than seriousness from them. We should also want them to be competent, and have integrity, and always put America and its people first. We have almost no one who checks any of those boxes, let alone all of them. But before any of that, they need to be serious people who take the job seriously. Yet we can only get serious kinds of leaders if we have serious voters who take the job of voting seriously. Because ultimately you get the leaders you deserve. And as sad as it is to say, this is what we deserve.

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