
The Democrat Party Is A Death Cult


Every time I’m at home ranting about a headline, asking ‘why is the left doing this?’ My husband says the same thing: it’s because they’re a death cult. I’ve never actually paused to try to understand why he says that over and over again. In fact, I often assumed that he was making a Star Wars analogy. (My husband — like most husbands — loves Star Wars.)

Last week, after I was ranting about something new, he once more referred to the Left as a death cult, and I finally asked him to explain what he meant. And I was surprised by his response. Right now in this country, he said, it’s difficult to make sense of the left’s mania. It’s like they’re social pyromaniacs. They’re starting fires everywhere, for no reason, just to watch everything burn. 

Gender, burn it down. Men can be women. Women can be men. 

Masculinity, oh that’s toxic. We can’t have any more masculinity. That’s bad. Burn it down. 

Climate change? We’re all going to be dead in 10 years. For AOC it’s become a pathology. No matter what happens, it’s climate change, climate change, climate change. 

And then there’s body positivity and fat acceptance. If you’re on Instagram you know what I’m talking about. Now, they are pushing the need for more acceptance of clinical obesity. I’m not talking about a couple of extra pounds, I’m talking about clinical obesity. If you don’t like that, if you don’t want to see that promoted as “healthy” on the cover of magazines, well that’s your problem. 

Even more radical is their stance on abortion, which they want available up until birth. They’re calling it progressive. 

Let’s revisit those topics in the context of a death cult. Ready? LGBTQ. The death of gender and masculinity, telling children they can pick their genders, what is that going to lead to? It’s going to lead to families who can’t reproduce. Right? Same-sex marriages can’t productively reproduce. If you’re telling men to be women and women to be men, you’re destroying the nuclear family. 

Think about climate change in that same context. What do they say over and over again? “There’s not going to be a planet in 10 years.” It would be irresponsible for you to start a family. That’s becoming their message. Don’t believe me? Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are going to receive an award from some progressive charity because they’ve agreed to only have two children. Think about that. They’re going to get an award for not having a larger family, and it’s all in the name of fighting climate change. 

Fat acceptance. What is fat? What is clinical obesity? It is the number one killer in America today. Heart disease is a direct byproduct of obesity, and yet they promote it. They want to glorify obesity on magazine covers. 

The role of abortion in the Left’s death cult is, sadly, self-explanatory. 

My husband was right. To be a leftist means to commit yourself to an obsession with death. 

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Democrat leadership is committed to a different kind of death. They are committed to the death of our society, the death of individualism, and ultimately, the death of freedom. We know this because Karl Marx wrote the book on it, and it seems now the Democrats are performing a play on it. 

What they are after is obviously a totalitarian state — to put it in Star Wars terms, unlimited power. Karl Marx described socialism as the transitory state between a capitalist society and a communist one, and we know that communism has been a long march of death and destruction. Leftism, when someone commits to it, is nothing but a long march of death and destruction. That’s the bad news. 

The question now is, is there any hope? I know a lot of people wake up and they feel hopeless. It feels like every day we are losing more and more of our country. Well, there is at least one quote that I love from the Star Wars movies, and this is it: “We are the very last of the resistance, but we are not alone in every corner of the galaxy, the downtrodden and the oppressed know our symbol, and they put their hope in it.” That’s powerful because I believe it to be true, today, of America.

I believe that all across the world, the downtrodden and the oppressed are putting their faith in our country. They are looking to America to see what happens. We saw this over the weekend. Of course, the protests that are erupting in Cuba right now — the protesters begging for their freedom — are waving the American flag, a symbol of hope. So what do we have to do? We have to keep fighting because it matters. It matters that we remain hopeful every single day. That’s why I fight. Why do you?

The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

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