Just hours before the chaos at the U.S. Capitol unfolded, I spoke with conservative powerhouse, and new member of The Daily Wire team, Candace Owens, to discuss her pregnancy, political transformation, Big Tech and her insights on what’s to come in the future for conservatism, Trumpism and the Republican Party. Her comments quickly proved prescient.
With motherhood fast approaching, Owens says she’s already experienced a shift in her priorities and motivations.
“In a way, pregnancy has better focused me…many of these debates are no longer just political for me—they’re personal. The stakes seem much higher when you are starting a family. You realize that whatever decisions we land upon as a society will have real implications for your child’s future. Will my child grow up in the same America that I grew up in, with the same opportunities? I have a lot of anxiety about the answer to that question, which is being determined now.”
Owens, now a star on the Right, is open about the fact that she hasn’t always been a conservative, and admits that she once considered herself “very much pro-choice.”
“In my youth I was very much a liberal,” she explained, adding, “The abortion issue for me is a delicate one because of my ideological transformation.”
“When I see young girls screaming empty slogans like ‘my body my choice,’ I know that it is the direct result of the education system, which brainwashes young women — as I was brainwashed — to believe that a developing infant in the womb is nothing more than a clump of cells and abortion is therefore a morally acceptable decision to make before that ‘clump of cells’ magically transforms into a life at the 4 month mark,” she said. “The education system emotionally manipulates young women to believe it is their duty to fight to protect a woman’s right to decide whether or not an infant’s life is worth living.”
“There is something incredibly barbaric about that teaching,” she underscored. “I view young pro-choice, women as victims of systemic brainwash.”

Photo by Robby Klein
“I transformed my programmed stance on abortion years ago when I learned the truth about the abortion industry, the abortion process, and most importantly — when I learned the truth about an infant’s development in the womb,” Owens elaborated. “I’ll never forget the moment I heard my baby’s heartbeat on the monitor for the first time at 11 weeks. It instantly brought tears to my eyes. It was just this sudden realization that I was carrying life and I would do anything and everything to protect that life. The technology of an ultrasound is so advanced that at 11 weeks there were little arms and little legs swimming on the monitor.”
“In a profound moment like that, all of the political rhetoric and debate just fades away. I can only describe it as a moment of inexorable truth,” she added. “It’s powerful and transformative.”
Asked what her message would be to the young girls who think of themselves as pro-choice by default, Owens said, “I understand them, I was one of them.”
“I would tell them to give themselves times to grow up; experience is life’s greatest teacher. And I would caution them to take a deeper look at the loudest voices that are in support of the pro-choice movement — the pop figures and celebrities who speak out the most on the subject.”
“Something I’ve noticed is that those individuals tend to be without any children,” she continued. “The issue for them is strictly political. Motherhood — the miracle of life — once you experience it, you could never add your voice to such blatant dishonesty. There is an instinct that kicks in. Women are created to create life. There is something incredibly magical and sacred about that.”

Photo by Robby Klein
Whether it’s abortion or any other hot button issue, Owens is never one to shy away from conversation, or confrontation. She recently grabbed headlines after launching a legal battle against fact-checkers at USA Today and Facebook.
“We are very optimistic about our legal battle against the Facebook fact-checkers, who should be more accurately referred to as opinion-checkers,” asserted Owens. “At this point in the process, they have filed their responses and are trying to get the case thrown out, which we anticipated.”
“We have our first hearing in February of this year,” she disclosed. “Lawsuits take time, and I’m perfectly content to make that time for Facebook’s censorship lords.”
“We had a former Facebook fact-checker come forward as a whistle-blower to reveal to us the process behind the scenes — how they get hired, how they target content, et cetera,” Owens noted. “The entire process is a sham and we are looking forward to the opportunity to reveal that in the courts.”
The same passion Owens’ displays in her legal battle with fact-checkers is evident in her vociferous support of the conservative political agenda.
Owens says despite the election outcome, many of President Trump’s ideas are here to stay. “I think some people in the Republican Party are operating under a delusion that if Trump is gone, they can manufacture the party back into the McCain-establishment type party that it once was, but they are sorely mistaken,” she underscored.
“In my entire life, I have never seen or felt an energy in this country quite like I am seeing today,” she said. “Think about it: the media had lost so much control of the narrative, that censorship seems for them to be the only option… People aren’t listening to the pundits, the polls, or the celebrities anymore.”
What does that mean for 2021? “Politically, get ready.”
“I believe we are on the brink of a purge on the conservative side of things. Many leaders who were once hailed as potential 2024 presidential candidates are now being viewed as traitors. Some of that criticism is fair — not all of it. Similarly, on the Democrat side, the moderates who have been pretending to support these far-left radical stances for the sake of votes are going to have to contend with the progressive wing within their own party.”
“Culturally,” she elaborated, “the battles are much more significant in my opinion.”
“The LGBT agenda at schools — gender pronouns, non-binary children, safe spaces, critical race theory, the 1619 project — this is the stuff I have been screaming about for the last four years,” she said. “When children become the target of radical indoctrination and when Hollywood is working to glamorize these dangerous positions, we have to prepare ourselves for a real ideological battle.”
While there’s seemingly no topic off limits for Owens, there is one she’s currently tight-lipped about: her new show with The Daily Wire.
“Right now we are trying to keep as much under wraps as possible,” she said, “but what I can tell you is that you will get me, unfiltered, on all of these topics. I very much consider myself to be counter-culture. I want to make sure that whatever we create will work to combat the mainstream lies that are being fashioned for young adults and children.”
“I love humor, I like to have fun, and I’m not afraid to take stabs at the Hollywood ‘untouchables,” Owens added. “So you’ll get all of that.”
However, when it comes to her pregnancy, Owens is happy to elaborate.

Photo by Robby Klein
“I’ve been blessed with a really easy pregnancy,” Owens said. “I haven’t had any symptoms other than an expanding belly. But one really strange and incredibly embarrassing period that I went through, which I guess may have been some weird physiological response to my hormones, took place in my last trimester and lasted for about two weeks.”
“For two full weeks of pregnancy, I became incredibly concerned about my husband’s whereabouts,” she explained. “I wanted him, not just home, but beside me at all times because I had this really debilitating anxiety that if he went anywhere, he would somehow die and I would end up as a single mother. It was totally insane.”
“My husband and I are both avid runners, and one morning he went on a run while I was sleeping. When he told me about his run, I went into a full tearful meltdown and explained to him that he shouldn’t go off running ‘too early’ because ‘bad things can happen at 5 a.m. I then explained to him that in Tennessee, if he ran at 5 a.m., a wild boar could attack and kill him.”
“So to recap — I was in full tears because wild Tennessee boars were going to kill my husband,” Owens joked. “I should mention that at the time of this discussion, we were in Washington, D.C. My husband had just gone on a run through the Capitol. To my knowledge, there have been no known sightings of Tennessee wild hogs near the White House, but I learned that day that through pregnancy hormones, everything is possible.”

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