Last night, President Biden gave his farewell address.
On his way out, he decided to give an Eisenhower-like warning. Dwight Eisenhower, in his farewell address, famously inveighed against the military industrial complex.
I happen to be a believer that Eisenhower’s remark was one of the dumber statements he ever made. The military industrial complex theory, which was pushed by a Marxist-leaning sociologist named C. Wright Mills, says that the defense industry drives America toward war. It is a fool’s way of explaining how foreign policy actually works.
But somehow, Biden found an even bigger fool’s way to explain American policy.
On his way out, he warned about a tech oligarchy. Let’s be clear. One of the key reasons Biden became president in 2020 was because of the tech oligarchy working with his people — shutting down, for example, the Hunter Biden laptop story so he could win.
It turns out that billionaires disproportionately support Biden and his party. But Biden decided he would weigh in about the supposed “tech oligarchy.”
What Biden really means is that the people he wants to run the country are career bureaucrats and politicians who have never run a popsicle stand.
There are two alternatives. Either the people are going to be left to their own devices to actually hire people, build businesses, and run their own lives — or Joe Biden will run their lives.
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Biden has never worked a real job in his entire life. He’s been politicking since the age of 29. He wasn’t even old enough to be in the Senate when he was elected to the Senate. And now, he’s 173-years-old, and he inveighed against the oligarchy in which he has been a key cog for his entire adult life.
He stated:
Today, an oligarchy is taking shape in America of extreme wealth, power, and influence that literally threatens our entire democracy, our basic rights and freedoms, and a fair shot for everyone to get ahead.
We see the consequences all across America. And we’ve seen it before, more than a century ago. But the American people stood up to the robber barons back then and busted the trusts.
They didn’t punish the wealthy. They just made the wealthy pay the by — play by the rules everybody else had to. Workers won rights to earn their fair share. You know, they were dealt into the deal, and it helped put us on the path to building the largest middle class and the most prosperous century any nation the world has ever seen, and we’ve got to do that again.
Biden’s idiotic notion that we have to break the modern robber barons, that it’s people like Elon Musk and the tech bros who are really the problem, is garbage.
Who do you think is creating the productivity, the innovation, and the jobs that Americans have? It isn’t Joe Biden. It isn’t the government. This is the key conflict of vision between people like Biden and those of us who actually like free markets, free enterprise, and freedom in general. Biden believes that by freedom, we mean the government should allocate to you a particular role in life.
When those of us on the other side refer to freedom, we mean that we should all be able to rise and fall on our own merits, and those actions generate positive externalities for everyone.
It’s repugnant to listen to Biden whine about the oligarchy while he himself has never produced a positive thing in his entire life. Then, he inveighs against people who actually do the producing, who actually do the innovation, who make life better for literally hundreds of millions of people.
Meanwhile, he’s been a complete leech on the ass of society for five decades, talking about the oligarchs.
You know who is truly an oligarch? Somebody who uses unearned power, somebody who is given power by the American people to crack down on the freedom of others for redistributive purposes. That person is much more of an oligarchy than whatever supposed oligarchy Biden’s talked of.
What a terrible old man.
I cannot wait for him to be out of the White House.

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