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9 Fearless Comics Who Will Actually Make You Laugh In 2021
Political comedy took gut punch after gut punch in 2020.
Not only did most comedians rehash the same ol’ President Donald Trump jokes, they studiously avoided a crush of ripe topics. Black Lives Matter. Socialism. AOC. Lockdown hypocrites. Defund the Police.
A few dared to be different, though, finding the funny wherever it led them. And, as the new year begins, these same comics offer hope for big laughs over the next 12 months.
One thing is certain.
They won’t look away when President-Elect Biden drops another word salad bomb or Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris baldly virtue signals anew.
They’re fearless, funny and forever pushing the bounds of comedy. That’s why each is worth your attention … assuming you’ll have access to them in the new year. Big Tech is already gunning for several of them, a trend that may intensify in a Biden-Harris landscape.
Andrew Schulz
He’s a YouTube sensation who made it big outside the traditional channels. Even better? Schulz brought his Everyman posture to Netflix, yes … Netflix, via a four-part series called “Schulz Saves America.” The title may be hyperbolic, but it reflects what his humor brings to a laugh-starved nation.
Sanity. Real-life experience. An aversion to PC sacred cows.
It’s why the Netflix series mocked Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s tragic COVID-19 response instead of rubbing his political belly like New York’s own Howard Stern did a few months back.
Like the best humorists, Schulz smacks both sides of the aisle sans apology. The approach powered “South Park” to iconic status. Who knows how far Schulz’s star will rise?
That may depend on a hostile press. Several media outlets dubbed his “America” series racist for calling a super virus that started in Wuhan, China the “Wuhanic Plague.” Never mind that many media outlets called it similar names at the dawn of the pandemic before realizing they could weaponize the branding against President Donald Trump and, as it turns out, comedians who don’t pledge allegiance to the Progressive flag.
JP Sears
He’s the faux spiritual advisor for our digital age, but the comedian shifted gears dramatically in recent weeks. Sears saw the cultural winds blowing, from extreme lockdowns to Big Tech censorship, and he started addressing them head on via his YouTube channel.
The results? Funny and fearless clips that speak to a growing frustration many feel in the culture. Our voices aren’t being heard thanks to the woke mob and Big Tech censorship.
Sears knows the feeling.
Facebook threatened to cancel his professional page … permanently. Sears’ response? A flurry of new comedy clips slashing Big Brother, liberty in retreat and creeping Communism.
He’s not ready to back down.
“I will without question risk losing what I have in the name of freedom. And I know many others are doing the same. I will keep going,” he promised his social media flock.
Ryan Long
If you saw only one comedy video last year let’s hope it was Long’s “When Wokes and Racists Actually Agree on Everything.” That brilliant, subversive blast shamed every syllable spoken on “Saturday Night Live” over the past 12 months.
Long isn’t a one-clip pony, though. The aggressively apolitical comic routinely blasts Cancel Culture, woke overkill and other cultural scourges with his weekly videos. His bits are reliably R-rated in tone, but his willingness to go where others refuse is his unifying trait.
He’ll never tell an Orange Man Bad joke for the simple reason a thousand other comics already beat him to the punchline.
Anthony Cumia
Miss Howard Stern, not the sanitized version you hear today, but the old-school model who spoke sans filter? “The Anthony Cumia Show” is the closest thing to Stern 1.0.
That’s no accident, since the two were terrestrial radio rivals for years in the shock jock tradition. While Stern went corporate, attacking all the approved targets and cozying up to his show biz chums, Cumia created his own free speech oasis.
Compound Media gives Cumia insurance against the Cancel Culture crowd. The radio veteran, alongside whipsmart stand-up Dave Landau, dishes unexpurgated chat that’s bold, bawdy and never dull.
Listening to “TACS” is like stepping into a time capsule. The conversations are raw and sometimes wildly inappropriate. It’s just two comic minds riffing and renovating laugh lines in real time.
Comedy without a net or apologies … what a concept.
Adam Yenser
By day, Yenser pens jokes for “Ellen,” the syndicated talk show that nearly sank in 2020 following nasty workplace revelations. The Emmy-winning scribe has another side to him. He’s an openly conservative stand-up willing to smite both sides for laughs.
That’s true each week on “The Cancelled News,” Yenser’s YouTube monologue that mimics the modern late-night format with two notable exceptions. It’s very funny and it shreds both sides of the aisle.
Simple. Effective. Refreshing.
Joe Rogan
The podcast superstar made waves in 2020 by joining Spotify’s audio lineup. That wasn’t his biggest victory, no matter how many millions Team Spotify coughed up for his services.
Rogan withstood a relentless Cancel Culture attack for letting unconventional voices share his microphone. Inviting conspiracy monger Alex Jones back on his show shoved an audio thumb in the eyes of his critics.
Far better? How Rogan reached across the aisle with the best of intentions and said what all of the Mainstream Media wouldn’t admit – Joe Biden’s mental state worried him deeply.
In between, he dropped humor bombs between paeans to hunting and other leisurely pursuits. The future couldn’t look brighter for an emboldened Rogan in 2021.
Adam Carolla
Who knew the “Loveline” cutup would evolve into the era’s plainspoken hero? Carolla’s knack for genuinely speaking truth to power made him even more essential in 2020. That he did so while resisting party labels sharpens his impact.
You could always count on Carolla for killer analogies and witty retorts. Now? His ability to shred media narratives and call ‘em like he sees ‘em, without apology, makes him nothing less than a revelation.
When he recently told Dave Rubin the media essentially “rigged” the election for Joe Biden it meant more than a thousand anti-Trump rants from his fellow comedians.
Nick Di Paolo
The most unapologetically conservative comic on this list has been blasting liberals for years. Now, he does so via his popular podcast and, hopefully, stand-up stages nationwide once the lockdowns recede.
Di Paolo follows the take-no-prisoners approach to comedy. He’s not trying to be subversive. It just comes naturally.
He’s also a reluctant innovator, releasing his 2019 comedy special “A Breath of Fresh Air” free of charge on YouTube to snare new fans. It seems to have worked.
Tim Dillon
He’s politically tough to pin down, although he appears to lean Right. He’s gay, but it’s not a part of his comic persona or political identity.
Like Schulz, Dillon leverages YouTube to help his podcast reach thousands of hungry fans. It helps that he’s squeezed a lot of living in his 35 years, from selling mortgages to helping his schizophrenic mother deal with an incurable condition.
Rolling Stone dubbed him a comic to watch in 2017, but chances are the far-left site regrets giving someone like Dillon such high praise.
The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.
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