Joe Biden’s primary platform position is that he — by definition — is not Donald Trump. As a result, the Democrats and the media are working overtime to pick out negative elements of Trump’s character — real or imaginary — and present Biden as the opposite image. They will implore you to “choose compassion over cruelty, empathy over ego, facts over fear, and hope over hate.” The implication, of course, is that Trump represents cruelty, ego, fear, and hate, with Biden representing compassion, empathy, facts, and hope. Such “inverse” assumptions are at the heart of Biden’s effort to replace Trump. Unfortunately for Biden, assumptions are often far from reality.
Earlier this month, Biden tweeted, “You deserve a president who tells you the truth.” Again, the implication being that Trump does not tell the truth, and therefore Biden does.
If we do “deserve a president who tells us the truth,” voters should enthusiastically reject Biden. Here are 20 times this year alone that Biden has lied, in chronological order.
“You see these white supremacists coming out from under the rocks. He’s yet once to condemn white supremacy, the neo-Nazis. He hasn’t condemned a darn thing.”
Donald Trump has specifically condemned white supremacists and neo-Nazis on multiple occasions.
“This day, 30 years ago, Nelson Mandela walked out of prison and entered into discussions about apartheid. I had the great honor of meeting him. I had the great honor of being arrested with our U.N. ambassador on the streets of Soweto trying to get to see him on Robbens Island.”
Firstly, the prison is actually named “Robben Island.” Secondly, Biden admitted on February 28th that he was never arrested:
“When I said arrested, I meant I was not able to — I was not able to move. Cops, Afrikaners, would not let me go with them. Made me stay where I was. I guess I wasn’t arrested, I was stopped. I was not able to move where I wanted to go.”
“I came back from South Africa trying to see Nelson Mandela and getting arrested for trying to see him on Robbens Island. He was in prison.”
See above.
Speaking with Margaret Brennan on CBS News’ Face the Nation:
BRENNAN: South Carolina, though, is your firewall.
BIDEN: You said it, my firewall.
BRENNAN: You need–
BIDEN: I’ve never said it–
BRENNAN: The campaign has said it’s your–
BRENNAN:– firewall.
BIDEN: It’s not fi– I said I’m going to do well there. And I’ll do well there and I’ll do well-beyond there as well.
On February 2nd during an NBC News interview, Biden said “I think I’ll do well in Nevada. And I think I have a real firewall in South Carolina.”
Biden campaign video suggests that Donald Trump stated “Coronavirus — this is their new hoax.”
These were Trump’s words…if you ignore more than 100 words between “coronavirus” and “hoax.”
“Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus, you know that right? Coronavirus, they’re politicizing it. We did one of the great jobs. You say, ‘How’s President Trump doing?’ They go, ‘Oh, not good, not good.’ They have no clue. They don’t have any clue. They can’t even count their votes in Iowa. They can’t even count. No, they can’t. They can’t count their votes.
“One of my people came up to me and said, ‘Mr. President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia.’ That didn’t work out too well. They couldn’t do it. They tried the impeachment hoax. That was not a perfect conversation. They tried anything. They tried it over and over. They’d been doing it since you got in. It’s all turning. They lost. It’s all turning. Think of it. Think of it. And this is their new hoax.”
“No, look, the World Health Organization offered — offered the testing kits that they have available and to give it to us now. We refused them. We did not want to buy them. We did not want to get them from them. We wanted to make sure we had our own.”
The U.S. never refused a test from the World Health Organization, and the U.S. wanted to make its own test for legitimate reasons, including the fact that the WHO test kits are “largely meant for less wealthy countries with weaker health systems.”
“When we were talking about early on in this crisis, we said — I said, among others, that, you know, you should get into China, get our experts there, we have the best in the world, get them in so we know what’s actually happening. There was no effort to do that.”
In reality, there were multiple offers of assistance, with the earliest occurring one week after China reported the outbreak to the World Health Organization.
“We had over 44, if I’m not mistaken, people from the CDC in China, in China to observe what was going on. The president brought home the vast majority of them and I think left only four in place.”
According to Reuters, “The CDC’s China headcount has shrunk to around 14 staffers, down from approximately 47 people since President Donald Trump took office in January 2017.”
“[Assault-style weapons] have no rationale for being owned by individuals on the street. They should be outlawed. … From the very beginning you weren’t allowed to have certain weapons. You weren’t allowed to own a cannon during the Revolutionary War as an individual.”
According to Politifact, Biden’s campaign “was unable to come up with an example of a law banning private ownership of cannons, and historians of the period doubt that any existed. To the contrary, there are documented instances of privateers, or privately owned vessels, setting sail with cannons during the period.”
“You got more questions, but I tell you if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”
According to FiveThirtyEight, “Polls suggest about 10 percent of black voters both nationally and in key swing states with large black electorates are supporting Trump.”
“I have a record that is second to none. The NAACP has endorsed me every time I’ve run.”
Derrick Johnson, CEO of the NAACP, stated that the organization does not endorse candidates. Indeed, due to their tax-exempt status, they are unable to endorse political candidates.
“I opposed that three strikes and you’re out bill.”
Speaking with Katie Couric on NBC’s Today Show on February 1st 1994, Biden said “What I support is a three strikes and you’re out, if in fact, they’re very violent crimes – arson, rape, murder, manslaughter. Three strikes in those areas, and you should be out.”
“McDonald’s is making billions of dollars, but here’s the deal. They’ve made you all sign noncompete contracts that you cannot go across town to try to get a job at Burger King. And maybe, and I’m not saying you could, but you get 25 cents an hour more. People who are hourly workers are required to sign noncompete: ‘I will not go anywhere to any business like the one I’m in to get a raise.’”
According to, “There is no evidence to support this. McDonald’s says that is not the case. And McDonald’s discontinued a related practice, barring workers from moving from one store inside the company to another, in 2017.”
“We’ve had racists, and they’ve existed, they’ve tried to get elected president. He’s the first one that has.”
As expressed by New York Magazine, “even by the narrowest definition, such as conscious belief in the superiority of the dominant white race and/or the inferiority of others — or cementing those foul ideas with the deliberate pursuit of policies designed to promote racist ends — the list of racist presidents is still very extensive.”
“Five million Americans infected by COVID-19. More than 170,000 Americans have died. By far the worst performance of any nation on Earth.”
These statements fail to take population size into account. “In the United States, there have been 53.26 COVID-19 deaths per 100,000 people, compared to 62.4 in the United Kingdom, and 58.61 in Italy. In fact, the United States isn’t even in the “Top 10,” with San Marino, Belgium, Peru, Andorra, Spain, Sweden, Chile, and Brazil ranking “higher.””
“When it got up to March, I kept saying, look, you’ve got to invoke, and you remember, I think I was the first — I may be mistaken — person calling about the Defense Production Act. … Use that authority. Use it to go out there now and don’t wait to talk about the need for us to have masks.”
In fact, multiple people discussed using the Defence Production Act prior to Biden, including New York City emergency management commissioner Deanne Criswell on February 26th, and Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar on February 28th.
“Trump has a plan to gut Social Security. If his Social Security plan … actually became law, the Social Security actuary has said the entire Social Security system will be bankrupt by mid-2023.”
According to, while the Social Security Administration’s chief actuary has analyzed hypothetical legislation which would eliminate payroll taxes, this is not a proposal from Trump, who has not said that he would cut benefits.
“$400,000 … is more money than I’ve ever made” in a year.
Joe Biden’s tax returns from 2017 and 2018 showed income of “many multiples that amount.” The combined income of Biden and his wife amounted to $407,009 in 2013, $11,031,309 in 2017, and $4,580,437 in 2018.
“U.S. troops wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan: 53,188. U.S. COVID infected in America: 6,344,700. U.S. COVID deaths: 189,506. Military COVID infected: 118,984. Military COVID deaths: 6,114. Folks, every one of these lives matter. Every one of these lives left somebody behind grieving.”
According to the Defense Department, 7 service-members have died from COVID-19, with nearly 38,500 infected.
“Under President Trump, U.S. trade deficit has grown. It’s hit an all time high. Let me say that again. U.S. trade deficit is at an all time high under Trump in the last three years.”
During Trump’s first term, the trade deficit was over $513 billion in 2017, almost $580 billion in 2018, and almost $577 billion in 2019. The trade deficit was higher than these values between 2004 and 2008, reaching its peak of over $763 billion in 2006.
“You deserve a president who tells you the truth.” Then why are you running, Joe?

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