— Opinion —
11-Year-Old Boy Used As Mascot At Pride Parade
There’s been a lot of talk lately, and rightfully so, about the many rhetorical excesses of leftism. They keep coming up with new terms and acronyms and so-called neo-pronouns, as well as new genders and sexual orientations and phobias and so on, almost like it’s an addiction. For whatever reason, it’s apparent that liberals feel compelled to have their own language that’s totally divorced from the rest of the English language. Maybe it’s so they can distinguish themselves from the unenlightened out-group. Maybe they’re just bored and neurotic. Who knows. In any event, conservatives have called out this phenomenon, ad nauseam, for quite some time.
What you rarely hear discussed, though, is that amid this great linguistic revolution we’re all living through, liberals have abandoned as many terms as they’ve invented. It was just about a decade ago, for example, that “female genital mutilation” was a major point of concern among the Left. On college campuses all over the country, female genital mutilation in faraway countries like Somalia was considered one of the foremost human rights abuses on the planet.
But since the rise of transgenderism, the Left has had a change of heart on this whole topic, as you might imagine. Now they endorse female genital mutilation. It’s one of the great switcheroos in politics that no one ever talks about. As The Post Millennial reported back in 2020, leftists were furious about a bill in Wyoming that promised to ban female genital mutilation in the state. They went from protesting against it, to protesting in favor of it.
We’ve seen this kind of about-face in several other areas, as well. It wasn’t so long ago that corporate media outlets and Left-wing activists claimed they were very concerned about a mental health disorder called “Munchausen by Proxy.” This disorder typically involves parents — almost always the mother — who pretend that their children are suffering from some kind of medical ailment. Usually the mother invents a medical condition so that they — that is the mother — can get attention. In 2014 — less than a decade ago — CBS News had this to say about the disorder: “Dr. Marc Feldman, a psychiatrist and forensic consultant … said he believes the Internet has contributed to the number of Munchausen by Proxy cases. … ‘There are instantly accessible and endlessly supportive groups out there that will pray with you and cry with you if you purport your child to be ill,’ Feldman said.”
Less than a decade later, those “accessible and endlessly supportive groups” have all the power. They won’t simply affirm your delusions about your child. They’ll organize a mob to destroy the life of anyone who challenges those delusions. And corporate media outlets have no problem with it, whatsoever. They’ll cheer it on.
WATCH: The Matt Walsh Show
Consider the case of Dempsey Jara, who’s been in the news lately. A couple of months ago, Dempsey Jara’s parents explained why their boy was actually a girl. It’s a long clip that can be found on YouTube, but it’s important you see all of it. You can watch it here.
What you’ll see is a boy who liked the color pink and stuffed animals. He put pajama pants on his head. He liked princesses and ponies. And as a toddler, he didn’t like getting a haircut, much like literally every toddler who has ever lived on planet earth. So this child decides on that basis — at the age of 5 — that the doctors had, “made a mistake.” This 5-year-old boy has overruled the medical doctors. He’s come to the conclusion — independently, without any input from his parents whatsoever — that he’s really a girl, and he needs to “transition.” And his parents, it goes without saying, affirm that delusion, and leftist media outlets cheer.
It makes no sense whatsoever, of course, but let’s think through some of the implications.
Imagine being a feminist with any integrity whatsoever — a hard thing to conceive of. And then you listen to that news report, which reduces womanhood to liking the color pink, and hating the fact that — at the ripe old age of 5-years-old — you need to go to the barber. Has any modern political movement ever been so humiliated, so thoroughly? It’s hard to think of anything that comes close.
Of course, anyone who’s ever had a child — as well as anyone with a rudimentary understanding of human psychology — understands exactly what’s going on here. This 5-year-old didn’t decide to “transition” on his own. He learned that concept from his parents, who planted this delusion in his head and then encouraged him to pursue it. And the media is on board because this serves their political ends.
The parents of this child made that very clear. Watch as they explain how they plan to flee the country if Ron DeSantis becomes president:
“We have our passports updated,” says the mother, whatever that means. Presumably it means that she has a current passport, which we’re supposed to think is interesting in some way. Then she says, “We’re going to have to leave the country.” Ron DeSantis is going after black people, she insists. This is meant to be taken seriously, like when Cher said she’d leave the U.S. after Donald Trump got elected. These are threats that, tragically, are never followed through.
But more importantly, this is child abuse, and in a sane society, no one would put up with it. This is a young boy, who’s not even a teenager, who’s being force-fed propaganda — about both gender and politics — so his parents can get on television and pretend to be heroes. They’re threatening to move their child out of the country based on complete fabrications. But we don’t live in a sane society so instead, this child’s delusions — really, his parent’s delusions — are being celebrated.
That finally brings us to this past Saturday, when this 11-year-old, using the name Dempsey Jara, served as the “grand marshal” of the Orlando Pride Parade.
As The Daily Mail reported, using this 11-year-old’s fake pronouns, “Dempsey Jara became the youngest grand marshal in the event’s history as she paraded in an open top car through the streets of the Florida city at one of the world’s biggest Pride events. Wearing pink heart-shaped sunglasses and a floral gown, she blew kisses to the crowd while clutching a puppy wrapped in blue bow, as her parents beamed in the back seat. ‘She’s just always gravitated toward girl things, girls’ toys,’ schoolteacher mom Jaime Jara, 45, told the Orlando Sentinel. ‘She’d say, ‘I’m a girl in my heart and my brain’. She’s been on this journey since she was five and she’s living her best life.'”
So they paraded this cross-dressing young boy as a mascot at a sexualized festival for adults, and for the most part, the media cheered the whole thing. Here’s what’s interesting about all of this, aside from the sheer depravity of it. If you read that Daily Mail article, or look at “Dempsey Jara’s” various social media feeds, you’ll find that the mother is prominent and the father is completely absent. He takes a back seat. For example, he wasn’t on stage a few months ago, when GLAAD awarded this young child some kind of award. Instead, only the mother was there. And she spoke, at length, mostly about herself. You can watch it here.
The best part is hearing the thunderous applause she says. And truer words have never been spoken. Of course, as the mother drones on and on, the 11-year-old boy doesn’t say a word. It’s just the mother, basking in the applause, as if she’s some kind of Oscar-winning actress. This is her moment. And the big applause line, of course, is that her son is “transgender.” The speech goes on for several minutes after that. It devolves into DeSantis bashing. She claims her son is somehow in danger because of Ron DeSantis. But the politics of this situation are nowhere near as interesting as the psychology of it all.
A few years ago, in October 2017, the scientific journal Child Abuse & Neglect published an article entitled, “The perpetrators of medical child abuse (Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy) — A systematic review of 796 cases.” According to the researchers who wrote the article, “nearly all of the abusers were female (97.6%) and about the same percentage were the victims’ own mothers (95.6%).”
This used to be an issue the Left talked about. They don’t anymore. But the fact remains that Munchausen by Proxy is one of the most serious mental disorders on the planet because it affects young children who can’t protect themselves. The impact of this disorder is often very uncomfortable to talk about, so most media outlets have decided to avoid the topic entirely.
Here’s one case that hasn’t gotten much attention. The Daily Wire just reported on the case of a woman who was abused by her mother, who suffered from Munchausen’s.
“Gypsy was raised by her mother, Dee Dee, who forced her daughter to endure numerous medical treatments due to her own Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, a mental disorder that causes a caregiver to fabricate or exaggerate medical conditions in another person. Dee Dee began making claims about her daughter’s health when Gypsy was about three months old. … At that time, Dee Dee was convinced Gypsy suffered from sleep apnea and began taking her to the local hospital. Rod said doctors couldn’t find anything wrong with her daughter despite numerous tests and a sleep monitor.”
Nevertheless, “Dee Dee persisted that her daughter was sick, coming up with new problems, including a chromosomal defect and muscular dystrophy. … After a minor motorcycle accident that resulted in an abrasion to Gypsy’s knee, Dee Dee began claiming that doctors gave her daughter a wheelchair. From then on, Gypsy was largely confined to the chair if she appeared in public. Dee Dee would also bring an oxygen tank and feeding tube to complete the illusion that Gypsy was severely disabled.” There are other horrifying details, including how Dee Dee administered treatments that caused her daughter’s teeth to, “decay to the point that most of her front teeth were extracted and replaced by a bridge.”
As recently as ten years ago, in the eyes of media outlets and even Left-wing activists, Dee Dee would be in the exact same category as Jaime Jara, the mother of the 11-year-old boy who’s being paraded around Florida right now. Both of them would be regarded as abusers who used their children to satisfy their own deep-seated mental compulsions.
In the past few years, the Left has come to embrace Munchausen parents, in many contexts, because they’ve discovered they can use them — and their children — as a weapon against politicians they don’t like. They can turn the pain and confusion of children as young as five years old into a political weapon. And without any hesitation whatsoever, that’s exactly what they’re doing. They have no concern for what happens to these children, and neither do their parents. They just want adulation, and right now they’re getting it. Until that changes, many more young children — kids who aren’t even teenagers, in many cases — will suffer the consequences. And by the time they realize what their parents have done to them, they’ll be in the same position as Dee Dee’s daughter. They will be broken and powerless. And no one — especially not the adoring crowds in Orlando, or at GLAAD — will lift a finger to help them.
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