‘Kindly F*** Off’: Britney Spears Responds To Ozzy Osbourne Criticizing Her Dance VideosBy Amanda Harding
Ozzy Osbourne Was ‘Stoned On Every Episode’ Of Reality Show ‘The Osbournes,’ Sharon SaysBy Amanda Harding
‘Too Skinny’: Sharon Osbourne Admits She Took Weight Loss Too Far After Taking OzempicBy Katie Jerkovich
Sharon Osbourne Says Doctors Did ‘Every Test’ And Have No Information Why She Passed OutBy Katie Jerkovich
‘I’m American Now’: Ozzy Osbourne Says He’d Rather Stay In The U.S. After Deciding To Move Back To U.K.By Katie Jerkovich
Sharon Osbourne Says She Was Ousted From ‘The Talk’ After Privately Slamming Not ‘Genuine’ Oprah Royals InterviewBy Katie Jerkovich