With Donald Trump as the presumptive 2024 nominee, Joe Biden ailing, and Kamala Harris being the backup for Biden, panic has set in on the Democratic side of the aisle.
Full-scale panic.
This panic is also an ally of Trump because the more they say Trump is Mussolini or Hitler and the world is going to end if he’s elected president, the more everybody looks at them like they’re crazy.
Because they are.
Here is the thing: No matter what you think of Trump, the notion that he is in the same league as Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini is an absurdity. He was already president once. And what happened? Some tax cuts, some Supreme Court appointments, pretty good foreign policy, a good economy, some bad governance during COVID.
Then he made some dumb statements between November 4 and January 6. A few hundred people walked into the Capitol building, and then, within three hours, they were cleared and then he wasn’t president anymore.
That’s the story. Does that sound like Mussolini or Hitler? Was that the March on Rome? Was that Hitler’s Reichstag fire? Where is the comparison? I need the comparison in order to really understand the claim Democrats are making.
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So Rachel Maddow had her say following the Iowa caucuses, and she turned it up to Spinal Tap 11. But when the volume continues to be turned all the way up, everyone goes deaf and spends nine years with the volume at Spinal Tap 11. We can’t hear you because you went nuts too many times too often.
Maddow said:
The big picture take away from that — and I don’t mean to be, again, too dark, as you said, on this. But it is not — if we are worried about the rise of authoritarianism in this country, we are worried about potential rise of fascism in this country, if we’re worried about our democracy falling to an authoritarian and potentially fascist form of government, the leader who is trying to do that is part of that equation.
Then she segued to people who would vote for Trump:
But people wanting that is a much bigger part of that equation. And the American electorate is made up of two major parties. One of those parties has been flirting with extremism on the ultra-Right for a very long time. They’ve brought them in in a way that they haven’t been central to Republican electoral politics ever before. And I know because I’ve been studying this, but once you have radicalized one major party so that those are the preferences of the people who adhere to your party, the leader’s interchangeable.
And yes, Trumpism is sometimes what we call it; MAGA movement is probably a better way to do it, but there is an authoritarian movement inside Republican politics that isn’t being bamboozled by Trump; they are pushing Trump to get more and more extreme because the more extreme things he says, the more they adhere. And that is coming from a very large proportion of the American right that adheres to the Republican Party. And that’s why this is a Republican Party problem more than it is the problem of one man and his language.
Notice what she’s doing here. She’s not saying Trump is fascist. She’s saying you’re a fascist if you voted for or would vote for Trump against Biden.
The checks and balances of the presidential office prevent Trump from doing what he might have an inclination to do. But the checks and balances have been working less well with Biden.
Trump surrounded himself with professionals. Those professionals very often told him, “Don’t do this thing. It’s illegal.” That happened a lot during Trump’s administration.
Meanwhile, Biden does illegal things regularly and his people are ok with it.
When you assess the presidential candidates, we all assume there is a filter — the filter of governance reality. It’s like a coffee filter. The water is poured on the coffee grounds, and the filter prevents the actual coffee grounds from getting in the coffee.
Much of what Trump says is the coffee grounds, and a lot of his worst stuff doesn’t get through the coffee filter. But with Biden, the grains are too small. They’re too fine. They get right through the coffee filter. And so on the other end, it’s actually worse coffee with Biden than with Trump.
But the Democrats are already turning it up to, “It’s not just Trump; it’s everyone. If you vote for Trump against Biden, it’s because you are an authoritarian wannabe. You want the federal government weaponized against you.”
The only candidate in this race who’s actively weaponized the federal government against its citizens is Joe Biden. It is Joe Biden who tried to use the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to ram a vaccine on 80 million people.
We here at The Daily Wire sued him to stop that from happening.
It is Joe Biden who suggested he could unilaterally not enforce immigration law, change all of our immigration laws, and let five, six, seven million people into the country illegally.
So all the talk of Donald Trump being a threat to the country?
We can all see what’s happening here.

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