Joe Biden made the Democrats’ real agenda clear.
They are furious.
On Sunday evening, President Joe Biden decided to give a blanket pardon to his son Hunter for any and all activities since 2014.
In a scene in “The Three Musketeers,” Cardinal Richelieu decides to give one of his henchmen a prospective pardon for anything they are going to do at any point. The note starts by stating, “By my order and for the good of the state,” then finishes, “the bearer has done what has been done.”
That’s essentially what Joe Biden did with his son, Hunter, by writing him a pardon that allowed him any crime for about a decade, which is an amazingly broad pardon.
It’s almost unprecedented in American history. The only similar instance that has been this broad was the Gerald Ford pardon of Richard Nixon, which was basically designed to quiet any and all problems surrounding Watergate and any sort of ancillary legal issues that would have arisen therefrom with regard to Richard Nixon. The goal was to get that off the American people’s table and let them move on to the next thing.
That is not true with regard to Hunter Biden.
This is the president of the United States pardoning his son for any and all crimes, including those that were never charged. Why is he doing that? He believes the incoming Trump DOJ is going to look into Hunter Biden’s financial improprieties and the Biden family corruption — so it’s not just about Hunter. It is really about Joe.
In fact, it’s possible to conclude the Richard Nixon precedent might be the best precedent — because really, what is Joe Biden doing here?
He’s attempting to pardon himself.
He can’t overtly pardon himself because he has not been charged with any crimes. And he wants to pretend he is not guilty of any crimes. What he’s really doing is getting Hunter off the table to get himself off the table.
That is the goal. There’s really no other way to explain this.
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Margaret Love, who was the United States pardon attorney from 1900 to 1997, stated, “It’s very broad. It does not pardon specific offenses, but rather takes a rather broad time span and pardons anything, any crime that may have been committed during that time span.”
Mark Osler, a pardon expert from the University of Saint Thomas, said, “This is very unusual. It’s unusual enough to grant clemency in a case where there hasn’t yet been a conviction. It’s rarer still to have the breadth of this one.”
This is correct. This is an insanely broad pardon, and it’s meant to cover everything from violations of the Foreign Agent Registration Act to further tax crimes to the possibility of bribery.
Joe Biden is not answering questions pertaining to any of this. He issued the pardon, and then he immediately went to Angola.
I do wonder at this point whether, as a transitional move, he resigns from the presidency because he clearly no longer cares about being president of the United States. He has not been invested in being president of the United States since he was ousted from the nomination for reelection.
This pardon is the kind of move you make when you’re saying “f*** you” to your own party and the American people.
And the Democrats are upset.
But they are not upset for the reasons you would think.
Let me explain.
Democrats have preemptively decided they’re going to use every option on the table rather than stick with any set of rules — which is one of the reasons that norms have actually declined in politics.
Democrats continue saying that Donald Trump has broken the norms.
After all, Joe Biden essentially said the reason he pardoned Hunter was that Trump is going to come in and prosecute Hunter.
However, we know Trump is actually not that kind of guy. Recall 2015 and 2016: When Trump was running for president of the United States, crowds chanted, “Lock her up!” — referring to Hillary Clinton. Then, during a debate, Trump openly said that if he were president, Hillary Clinton would probably be in jail.
But he didn’t do any of that.
Trump’s DOJ was not activated in order to get his political opponent.
But who did do that? Joe Biden.
After the 2020 election, it was Joe Biden’s DOJ that decided to drill down on Donald Trump. And that was after four long years of career appointees inside the FBI and the DOJ drilling down on Trump.
So Democrats initiated this conflict, and now they are afraid of the blowback. They’re afraid Trump will do the same to them.
Thus, Joe Biden is now preemptively using the pardon power in a unique and unprecedented way in order to avoid this.
We have entered an era where that norm has been broken too. Now, you can imagine a situation in which every president, on his last day in office, has to pardon himself and all of his family members just to avoid a future in which the opposite party comes in and prosecutes everyone.
You can easily see that happening.
Is the next Democratic president going to prosecute Trump for something? I’d be shocked if they didn’t try.
Is the next Democratic president going to pledge to prosecute members of Donald Trump’s family? Hell, they basically did.
That is the world in which we now live. Democrats have been breaking precedents and norms for the last 15 years in American politics. In anticipation of Republicans doing the same, they break the next norm. They break the norm about not prosecuting their political opponents. Then, in order to prevent Republicans from prosecuting them in return, they’re issuing blanket pardons to people like Hunter Biden.
This is how norms get destroyed.
The true norm destroyers in the country are the Democrats.
The real reason some Democrats today are upset with Joe Biden is not because he pardoned Hunter. The real reason they’re upset about what Biden did is because, once again, a new rule has been set, and they know that rule is going to come back around. It’s going to swing back around and hammer them directly in the head.
Senator Michael Bennet (D-CO) ripped into Joe Biden yesterday, saying, “President Biden’s decision put personal interest ahead of duty and further erodes Americans’ faith that the justice system is fair and equal for all.”
Claire McCaskill, former Missouri Democrat senator, made clear the reason she is upset is because the pardon would give ammunition to Trump. She’s not upset on principle at what Joe Biden did. If he could get away with it, she’d be fine with it. What she’s afraid of is that since the pardon power has been used this way, Trump will use the pardon power in the same manner.
This is the story of the Democratic Party over the course of my lifetime. They are not in favor of norms. They hate norms. They’re willing to destroy every norm from social institutions like churches to governmental institutions like the Senate and the Supreme Court.
That’s what’s happening here.
The Democrats are furious because Joe Biden made it obvious. He was too stupid to do it subtly the way Democrats would prefer.
The real reason Democrats are furious is because Joe Biden exposed the fact they are willing to use power in pursuit of their own agenda at the cost of any and all norms.

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