Normally, it’s not a particularly big deal when various groups are invited to Washington to mark some special or ceremonial occasion. When an NFL team wins the Super Bowl, for instance, they get to go to the White House, shake hands with the president, and everyone goes about their day. The same is true when scientists are invited to celebrate their Nobel Prizes, or soldiers are honored for winning the Medal of Honor, or when families are invited to participate in the annual Easter Egg hunt. In cases like these, usually, there’s no big scandal that erupts after-the-fact. People show up, they participate in whatever the event is, and they leave.
But over the past year, one very notable exception to this rule has emerged, which is this: It’s becoming increasingly risky to invite LGBT influencers to descend on Washington.
Last summer, for example, a transgender social media personality went topless at a White House Pride Month event with children present. And then, earlier this year, a drag queen who was invited to the White House by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris was accused of multiple sexual assaults. These are the kind of episodes that, if you’re the cynical type, might suggest that inviting prominent members of the “LGBT community” to Washington could carry some potential pitfalls. It’s the kind of thing that can backfire, in a way that other events with other guests are maybe less prone to.
Despite this sordid recent history, though, Democrats on Capitol Hill don’t seem discouraged in any way. In the spirit of inclusion, they’re continuing to encourage members of the “LGBT community” to come to Washington and make their voices heard. Just yesterday, in fact, so-called drag stars arrived in the nation’s capital to meet with lawmakers in the House of Representatives. They called it the “Drag Lobby Day.” The drag queens were there alongside the group “MoveOn Political Action” to lobby on behalf of a couple pieces of legislation.
In any event, the first bill that MoveOn and their drag queens want to see passed is called “The Equality Act,” which would make “sexual orientation and gender identity” into a protected class. The second agenda item is a resolution called the “Transgender Bill of Rights,” which according to The Hill, would “strengthen civil rights protections for trans and nonbinary Americans.” So apparently, this special class of people — which no one can even define, really — needs its own Bill of Rights. The one we have just isn’t good enough for them. They want that one, but then another one too, on top of it.
Nothing they’re requesting makes any sense, as you’ll see shortly, and as you can already predict. But first — even before we look at what these people are asking for — this whole “Drag Lobby Day” turned into a complete farce before it even began. No one could possibly have predicted that sending men in dresses to Capitol Hill to lobby for legislation would turn into a farce, but that’s what happened. Somehow, for the third time in a row, LGBT activists have managed to arrive in Washington and completely beclown themselves.
Behold this early morning interview yesterday on CNN with one of the drag stars-turned lobbyists, who uses the name “Brigitte Bandit.” Keep in mind, as you watch this, that CNN will cut off interviews with representatives of the Trump campaign. They’ll cut away from speeches from Donald Trump. But they’ll allow interviews like this one to air — before 9:00a.m. no less, when some people are still eating their breakfast — because they’re far more important than anything the leading presidential candidate could possibly say. Watch:
It’s very scary to dress like that, we’re told. To which a normal person responds: Okay, so then just… don’t dress like that? But Brigitte Bandit just can’t resist. And that’s real bravery. This is Brigitte Bandit’s sacrifice. It’s why we need a “Trans Bill of Rights,” supposedly. In any other decade, we’d be asking why someone like “Brigitte Bandit” would even think of dressing like this for a national television news interview. But it’s 2024, and we all know that dressing like this is how you get jobs in the White House communications department. Maybe that’s the play here.
As for the substance of what “Brigitte Bandit” said, a few points need to be made. First of all, “feeling safe” is a luxury at this point, in cities all over the country. No one has a constitutional right to “feel safe,” regardless of where they go or how they dress. If you’re going to walk around like that, trying to attract as much attention as possible, that’s not something we need a new “bill of rights” to solve. You can solve it yourself by wearing normal clothes and avoiding the hood. Those are your options.
WATCH: The Matt Walsh Show
Additionally, it’s actually not clear which specific lawmakers were involved in this lobbying effort. There’s the claim from “Brigitte Bandit” that both Republicans and Democrats gave an audience to these drag queen lobbyists, but it’s hard to find the names of these politicians, at least for now. There haven’t been a lot of videos coming out of this event, probably by design. And that’s too bad, because any lawmaker who had any part in inviting “Brigitte Bandit” to the nation’s capital should be impeached immediately and removed from office. That’s especially true if any Republicans were involved.
But it doesn’t appear that very many people were involved at all, which may tell you something. As of now, one of the only members of Congress that was apparently in some way involved in this insanity was Jasmine Crockett of Texas. MoveOn claimed on their website that Crockett would meet with these drag queens, or at least participate in some kind of rally they were organizing after the fact. All we know is that on X/Twitter, Crockett responded to this picture of the three drag queens outside her office:
You're ALWAYS welcome, queens!
— Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett (@RepJasmine) June 25, 2024
Crockett added this caption to the photo: “You’re ALWAYS welcome, queens!” In a separate post, praising the outfit of “Brigitte Bandit,” Crockett added: “Thank you for bringing some Big Texas GLAMOUR to the Hill, sis!”
Now, if you’ve been following Jasmine Crockett’s contributions in Congress over the past few months, you might actually be impressed by these tweets. They’re easily the most coherent, grammatically correct sentences that she’s managed to produce all year. Yet, despite MoveOn’s claims, it doesn’t appear that Crockett did meet with them at all. In fact she tweeted later in the day: “So sad I missed you! Come back any time!”
So even Crockett didn’t want to be seen with these people. Instead she let them take a picture in front of her door, and that was it. Later that day the drag queen held a rally on the lawn of the Capitol building. I can’t find a single video of this event — I’m not saying the videos don’t exist, but I couldn’t find a single one. But the Spectator was on the ground and they report that “around 30” people showed up for the rally. It seems pretty clear that even the Democrats are starting to feel embarrassed by all of this. They recognize that the American people do not want drag queens setting the agenda in Washington. The American people want normalcy, and drag queens stand for the opposite of that.
But not everyone in that party has gotten that memo. In fact this “Brigitte Bandit” character recently spoke at the Texas Democratic convention. And as part of that whole process, some of Brigitte’s social media posts attracted a lot of attention. In particular, the one that reads: “I hate America but I love this bikini.”
A lot of people saw this post and had some questions for the Texas Democratic Convention. Why would we want this person to deliver any kind of lecture about American policy at a political convention? This is someone who admits to hating America — and that’s not even the most troubling thing about him. But they went ahead and invited “Brigitte Bandit” to speak at this convention in Texas anyway. Here’s part of the speech that resulted:
It goes on, but you get the idea. It’s the same stock speech you hear all the time from trans activists. It’s inaccurate, nonsensical, dishonest, and not remotely original. It boils down to: inject children with sterilizing hormones to affirm them, or you’re killing them. This is the kind of insight that the Texas Democratic Convention apparently desperately wanted to hear. This is the caliber of lobbyist that now walks the halls of the Capitol building.
It only gets worse when you look closely at the proposals that these “drag performers” want to pass. Let’s take the “Transgender Bill of Rights” first. Apparently, this resolution would:
…ensure that transgender and nonbinary people have access to services and public accommodations by amending the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to include gender identity.
Apparently, there’s a lot of trans-identifying individuals who are being refused public accommodations in this country. You may have never heard of this happening, because it’s not true. But that’s the claim the drag queen lobbyists are making.
But that’s not the only reason to pass this new bill of rights, according to these lobbyists. It’s also important, they say, because too few men are competing in women’s sports. Therefore, the new bill of rights will, “Amend Title IX to clarify that it protects students from discrimination based on gender identity and sex characteristics.” In other words, women’s sports would be outlawed.
For good measure, this new bill of rights would also, “codify the right to abortion and contraception,” as well as “invest in mental health services designed for transgender and nonbinary people.” It would also “require the Attorney General to designate a liaison within the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice dedicated to advising and overseeing enforcement of the civil rights of transgender people.” So we’d get more bureaucracy and abortion — two things that Democrats think we can never have enough of.
The other piece of legislation these activists want — The Equality Act — would rewrite even more of our existing laws. According to the activist group HRC:
The Equality Act would amend existing civil rights law—including the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Fair Housing Act, the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, the Jury Selection and Services Act, and several laws regarding employment with the federal government—to explicitly include sexual orientation and gender identity as protected characteristics. The legislation also amends the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to prohibit discrimination in public spaces and services and federally funded programs on the basis of sex. Additionally, the Equality Act would update the public spaces and services covered in current law to include retail stores, services such as banks and legal services, and transportation services.
Again, we’re meant to conclude that Citibank and Walmart are turning away customers who claim to be transgender. The point of legislation like this, in case it’s not obvious, is to create a wave of new lawsuits that badger people into giving special treatment to “LGBTQ” customers and employees. If you have an LGTBQ employee who starts acting crazy, laws like this would make it virtually impossible to fire them. That’s the point. The goal is to empower activists. It’s to allow some of the least productive members of society to go after people who are actually contributing. In every way, this is contrary to the stated goal of the so-called LGBTQ movement from 20 years ago, which was to ensure that everyone had “equal rights.” As any sane person could have predicted, that’s out the window now.
For what it’s worth, none of this makes any sense under the law, either. As I discussed yesterday in the context of the Supreme Court case involving Tennessee’s ban on child castration, the idea that “gender identity” is a “protected characteristic” doesn’t work. Protected characteristics under civil rights law are things that are obvious, immutable, or distinguishing. And there is nothing about transgender identity identities that are obvious, immutable or distinguishing. These people claim that they can change their gender overnight.
All of that’s especially true for the “identities” of drag queens. They can just put on a new costume and change their “identity.” That’s why it’s actually kind of incredible that drag queens, of all people, are the ones lobbying for this legislation. Drag queens don’t even claim to actually identify as the female characters they play — which means that, in this case, they’re effectively calling for special legal protections for fictional characters. It’s no different than the furry community lobbying Congress for legal recognition (which I’m sure is where we’re headed).
This is what happens when you start haphazardly amending laws that were already imperfect to being with. At the very least, the word “immutable” used to mean something. It theoretically created some kind of limit on the number of special, protected categories the government could create. Now “Brigitte Bandit” and some other drag queens want to get rid of that. They want the government to continue creating preferred groups and showering them with benefits. People who admit that they hate America are showing up in costumes to make this argument, and elected members of Congress and the media are listening to them and taking them seriously (or at least pretending to).
That’s the “Drag Lobby Day,” summarized. No one exposed himself to children or got accused of sexual assault. So in that sense, it was an improvement from previous excursions to Washington. But if this lobbying effort was remotely successful — even if the Democrats were clearly embarrassed by it — then there’s a very good chance we’ll all have to deal with the consequences of this insanity very soon.

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