Ep. 1362 - The Left Suddenly Forgets About Gaza And Spends Two Days Outraged Over A Frat Boy's Joke [Member Exclusive]

The Matt Walsh ShowMay 6, 2024

Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the media has assembled the outrage mob once again, this time to hunt down and punish a frat boy who allegedly made racist noises while confronting a pro-Palestine protester at Ole Miss. Also, a new investigation reveals that the state of Massachusetts is paying 21 dollars a plate to feed glorified dog food to illegal migrants. The scandal isn't the quality of the food, but the fact that they're spending tax money to feed illegal immigrants in the first place. And Kristi Noem goes on Face the Nation to promote her new book. What follows is one of the most bizarre and awkward interviews any politician has ever given. Thanks for being a DailyWire+ member. This show is ad-free.

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DailyWire+   >  Watch   >  The Matt Walsh Show   >  Ep. 1362 - The Left Suddenly Forgets About Gaza And Spends Two Days Outraged Over A Frat Boy's Joke [Member Exclusive]