Ep. 1336 - New York City Locks Good Samaritans In Prison And Then Wonders Where All The Good Samaritans Have Gone  [Member Exclusive]

The Matt Walsh ShowMar 29, 2024

Today on the Matt Walsh Show, women are being randomly assaulted by scumbags in New York City. Now city leaders are wondering why good Samaritans aren't stepping up to defend these victims. Well that's probably because those same leaders had the good samaritans sent to prison. Also, Glenn Youngkin vetoes a bill that would have allowed the retail sale of marijuana in Virginia. This was the right call and I'll explain why. Also, one of the hens on the View calls a black guest a "charlatan" for saying that society should be colorblind. And in our Daily Cancellation, governor Gregg Abbott signs an executive order calling for punishment of "antisemitic rhetoric" on college campuses. I'll explain why that is a horrible, un-American idea.
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DailyWire+   >  Watch   >  The Matt Walsh Show   >  Ep. 1336 - New York City Locks Good Samaritans In Prison And Then Wonders Where All The Good Samaritans Have Gone  [Member Exclusive]