Ep. 1321 - Distraught Leftists Pee On Their Own Faces In Protest Against Supreme Court Ruling

The Matt Walsh ShowMar 5, 2024

Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the left has a glorious meltdown as the Supreme Court unanimously declares that Colorado cannot kick Trump off the ballot. Keith Olberman was so upset about the ruling that he even peed on his own face. We'll investigate. Also, the leftist hordes turn on AOC. The executive director of LGBT affairs in Philadelphia gets arrested during a traffic stop. A viral video shows a young mother being confronted for bringing her child to a bar. Who's in the wrong? And San Francisco will not be giving five million dollar reparations checks to its black residents. But it did issue a heartfelt apology for slavery. Will that be enough to satisfy the race hustlers? The answer will not remotely surprise you.

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