Ep. 1264 - Blue State Decriminalizes All Drugs. Total Societal Breakdown Immediately Follows. [Member Exclusive]

The Matt Walsh ShowNov 16, 2023

Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the advocates for drug decriminalization have gotten what they wanted across the country, especially in Oregon. But a new report reveals that what they wanted, apparently, was the total breakdown of society. A pop star plans to give out banned books at her concerts in Florida, which is a problem considering that no books are banned in Florida. Also, the NSA goes fully woke. And Marvel's new feminist superhero movie is their biggest flop of all time. We'll talk about all of that and more today on the Matt Walsh Show.

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DailyWire+   >  Watch   >  The Matt Walsh Show   >  Ep. 1264 - Blue State Decriminalizes All Drugs. Total Societal Breakdown Immediately Follows. [Member Exclusive]