Ep. 1207 - The Case That Proves Why Hate Crime Statistics Are Bogus [Member Exclusive]

The Matt Walsh ShowAug 17, 2023

Today on the Matt Walsh Show, recently a group of black teens assaulted an Asian family on a New York subway. The crime exactly fit the DOJ's standard for "hate crime" and yet it will not be prosecuted as one. In fact, even the victims justified their own victimization, saying that their assailants lack "privilege." We'll sort through this case today. Also, Target took a major sales hit thanks to the backlash against their pride merchandise. A Hollywood actor sues Home Depot for racial discrimination. Plus, CNN publishes a guide to "neo-pronouns." It's even dumber than you think. Thanks for being a DailyWire+ member. This show is ad-free and includes Member Block, the final segment of our shows exclusive to DailyWire+ members.

DailyWire+   >  Watch   >  The Matt Walsh Show   >  Ep. 1207 - The Case That Proves Why Hate Crime Statistics Are Bogus [Member Exclusive]