Ep. 1136 - You're A 'Fascist' If You Want To Know What Your Child Is Being Taught In School

The Matt Walsh ShowMar 24, 2023

Today on the Matt Walsh Show, Republicans pass a bill intended to give parents the right to know what's going on in their child's school. Democrats respond by claiming that government accountability and transparency is, yes, "fascist." Also, the TikTok executives are grilled during a congressional hearing. And a violent criminal robs, assaults, and paralyzes a woman. The judge responded by cutting his bond in half. In our Daily Cancellation, a radio host in Boston provoked the fake outrage machine by accidentally saying a word that was once used as a racial slur 80 years ago.

DailyWire+   >  Watch   >  The Matt Walsh Show   >  Ep. 1136 - You're A 'Fascist' If You Want To Know What Your Child Is Being Taught In School