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Ep. 1251 - Gen Z Is Finding Out That Being An Adult Is Hard [Member Exclusive]

The Matt Walsh ShowOct 26, 2023

Today on the Matt Walsh Show, Gen Z is leading the charge against the 9 to 5 corporate grind. That's all well and good, but what are the other options? There are a few and we'll talk about them. Also, Republicans elect a new speaker of the house. There is reason to be encouraged, and also reason to be discouraged, by the selection. Plus, the adderall shortage has some people turning to meth to get their fix. And the ACLU is suing Tennessee for trying to prevent prostitutes from spreading HIV.

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DailyWire+   >  Watch   >  The Matt Walsh Show   >  Ep. 1251 - Gen Z Is Finding Out That Being An Adult Is Hard [Member Exclusive]