Stephen Meyer
Stephen C. Meyer directs Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture in Seattle. He received his Ph.D. in the Philosophy of Science from Cambridge University. He is the author of Return of the God Hypothesis: Three Discoveries that Reveal the Mind Behind the Universe (HarperOne).
Longer Bio-Sketch
Stephen C. Meyer received his Ph.D. in the philosophy of science from the University of Cambridge. A former geophysicist and college professor, he now directs Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture in Seattle. He has authored the New York Times best seller Darwin’s Doubt as well as Signature in the Cell which was named a Book of the Year by the (London) Times Literary Supplement. Meyer has also published editorials in national newspapers such as The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, The Boston Globe, The Jerusalem Post, The New York Post, The National Post (of Canada), The Daily Telegraph (of London) and The Los Angeles Times. His new book Return of the God Hypothesis: Three Discoveries that Reveal the Mind Behind the Universe (HarperOne) has been named both a USA TodayNational Bestseller and a World Magazine Book of the Year.